Solo: A Star Wars Story is NOW playing in theaters, and Tarkin's Top Shelf is ready to talk about it! Mark and Becca have a lot to say about Solo and so much more. Unlike the other Solo reviews you've listened to on other podcasts, Tarkin's Top Shelf has decided to turn it up a notch. Why? Well, because so much can Spawn from Solo! So, you may want to strap yourselves in and keep an eye out for the Maw. Only a complete idiot would go into a place like that.
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Mark and Becca are back to talk about some recent Star Wars News and that 'Mighty Skywalker Blood!' In this episode, they go over a variety of Star Wars literature that focuses on the Skywalker family. In doing so, they tackle that burning question that's circulating the internet: "Were Han and Leia 'Bad Parents?'" So, grab your 'Jedi breathing device' and get ready for a deep discussion on Tarkin's Top Shelf.
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Mark and Becca are back to talk about Daniel José Older's 'Star Wars: Last Shot!' In this episode, they go over the leading cast and the thrilling adventure that links them throughout the ages. Still, it's hard to decide if 'Last Shot' is Han's or Lando's story, or both! So, buckle up and fly casual with Tarkin's Top Shelf.
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